Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Life has been crazy

sisters out on the town. LOL My sister kim (left) myself and sister Trish (right)
Ben Ben and myself
this is Ceceilia and myself she loves clowning around for the camera.
this is Ben with Chelsea(on left) and Haley (on right) this is one of my favorite pictures

this is me and my nieces Haley(left) and Chelsea (right)

Well things have been kinda hectic around here. We did go to wheeling and had a ball. got to see everyone it was nice.. those are pictures from the weekend.

Since being home I've been working, being sick and going to school. I am dropping two of my classes because I just cant take all the work. I am not very organized right now. Things are so messed up in my head right now that I cant concentrate. I have begun taking my meds again. I know I shouldn't have stopped them but i did. Hopefully I will be back to normal by the spring semester. Well going to go and find some trouble to get into or something. Write more later.

Friday, September 4, 2009

things and more

Well things are going ok.

As i have said before hte kids are in school. i have pics finally loaded on the computer of thier first day. Thursday was picture day so I am anxiously awaiting those pics

here is ben on his first day chillin before school

here is ceceilia before school

So we are heading to Wheeling this weekend. Should be nice to see everyone., If you want me to see you yall have to give me a holla...

well i need to get back to my med term. at least this class isnt as hard as i thought since i have been through AP 1 and 2.