Wednesday, November 11, 2009

another day

I still here awaiting results from a MRI. its been a week and still no results. The drs think I might have MS. Great another disease raging in me. Its bad enough I am bipolar and I have rhematuiod Artritis. Now I may have MS.

I am nervous especially since its been a week I cant help but think about it/ What am I going to tell the kids? How am i going to explain it to them? Should I wait til later or do it soon. Same with my bipolar disorder. I haven't told them about that yet but should I? I have always been open and honest with them. Should I wait until they start questioning me or just come out and tell them. Hopefully soon I will know my self> Do i or DO i not have MS?

Its like my immune system and brain has it out for me. Could it be my body just hates me?? Should I be worried that maybe something else will pop up? I think I am going to take it one day at a time and deal with my life now.