Thursday, June 3, 2010


OK so i know its been months since i have last posted. I am really going to try to do this daily..
So here's the updates.

1.) I am glad to be done with this semester. Yeah I got a B in both my classes and I am not taking any classes over the summer.
2.) I am making a routine for the kids for summer. It wont be as strict as their school schedule but it will be a routine.
3.) Cena is getting soooo big. He is very bright also. This dog when he stands up is almost as tall as me. Yes I will truly be the runt of the family with only the two cats being smaller than me,
4.) We will be taking the kids to kennywood this summer. Looking forward to this,.

Now as for me. I am a little manic right now. Things are really getting to me. I want to throw out the couch its broke and I want it gone. I am thinking of redoing the living room/ dinning room. I might get a little sofa but not a big one. We have the one chair I might get another mommy and me chair. No one ever visits us and I don't plan on changing that. I am looking for a new table and chairs.

Well i am going to sleep now...

Sunday, January 31, 2010

new puppy

So we ended up getting a new puppy for Ben. We got him from WPHS and he is a 2 month old German Shepard/Boxer mix. He has a very relaxed temperment. He loves chilling on your lap sleepin. We are going to have him trained as a therapy do for Ben and his ADHD. WPHS actually has the obience classes we need and do the testing. So for i think he will be a perfect dog for a therapy dog. Ben is loving having a puppy and it is really helping him some already. He is paper training really well and since its freezing outside im glad he is paper training. soon once it warms up we will move on to outside trainin.