Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Well time keeps ticking.... thats the new view of my life right now.

Ben is doing better since being put on medicine. HE has actually had alot of good days in school. he still occasionally has a bad day but thats to be expected. Dont we all have a bad day here and there?? I know I do.

As for me, well, I am depressed. I wish i was manic becuase it would be easier to cope right now. I dont want to do anything, being sick doesnt help./ I think everyone is noticing a difference in me. I dont know how to explain it to them.I mean if you havent been there then you just dont know. I am tired and sick alot recently. I have some kind of stomach bug or maybe its all in my head who knows.

Well tomorrow is the kids' celebration of learning. I am looking forward to seeing ben perform> He has hip hop this time and cece has karate. I know she will do well but this is bens first performance. I am so exciting to see him.. He has been excited about this also. Its nice to see him excited abour something. He has karate next i am hoping he likes it and maybe we will put him in it. I know he can use the discpline that it teaches. Cece is excited becuase she is going ot earn her white belt. I am not sure if she will actually get the belt but it would be nice if she did. Well i am tired and ready to go to bed. Will write more later.

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