Monday, July 25, 2011

Summer 2011

He seemed to hide in almost all the team pics. Where's Ben?? LOL

I love this pic of her and coach.
She is so proud of herself and I am proud of her!
I love this pic of him and coach.

So the kids went to summer camp and loved it. I am glad its over because now we can sleep in.

Ben played baseball and his team went undefeated for the season. They won their championships. My baby was in 1st place. Yeah. He had an awesome season. During the championships we found a position he was not only good at but he loved playing and it kept his head in the game. Catcher!!

Cece also played softball. She had a good season. She hurt her knee while riding her scooter which I told her not to do. She missed the last 5 games of the season and the first 2 tournaments. She played in the last tournament and did AWESOME. You couldn't tell she hadn't played in a month and a half. They ended up playing 3rd in the first tournament. Not placing in the 2nd tourny and 2nd in the 3rd tournament. She is excited because she received 2 more trophies and will be getting another trophy for playing.

So we are spending the next week with nothing but family time. No tss nothing. We will then be getting ready for school and soccer season. Both kids will be playing soccer.

Due to recent events, I have decided to cut mil off from seeing the kids for awhile. The other day was the last straw. I just think this is best for the family. Even Dh is tired of the comments being made. I can not help that I have two children with special needs. Ben cannot help that he needs constant reminders due to behavoirs. Yes he throws tantrums but he doesnt have the self control that most kids his age has. Ive decided that if and when I do allow contact it will be on my terms. Mostly it will be at my house so if his yelling and tantrums piss her off she can leave.

I am tired of the comments she makes about my husband and I and how we parent our children. We have a TSS and BSC who is helping not only us but ben deal with his disorder. I cannot help that when someone looks at my son they see a 7 yr old but socially he isnt 7. He has a social delay which makes it hard for him to have friends and get social clues such as people's emotions and even what they say. It hurt so much to see her yell at him and see how hurt he was and not even 20 minutes later he was asking to stay at her house. I can't put him into that situation anymore so we have cut her off. I am tired of her saying we need to discipline him more that's why he doesn't listen. Um no that's not why. Dh and I are both in school to better ourselves for our children and she is constantly dissing us for it. Oh but let anyone else in the family be in school and have kids then its awesome and they are doing a good job. Screw that.

I am tired of feeling like my children and I are not good enough. If this was anyone in my family I would have done cussed them out and cut them off a long time ago. In fact I have. That's why I don't talk to my cousin or my aunt.

Well off to find some trouble to get into..

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Ok so new year new me, right? Well we shall see. I have made a few resolutions. I will not say New years but resolutions none the less. I am doing this daily not yearly crap. LOL

1.) I will have more patience. I need to because I am getting stressed over stupid stuff. I will do this.
2.) I will lose weight. Not sure how much but I will do.
3.) I will exercise more. I have the wii fit and I have also talked hubby into buying a treadmill. Shoot I have access to a gym and I will use it at least an hour a day.
4.) I will take my medicines. I need to really get on this one.
5.) I will keep up with my daily missions. I will declutter this stuff and throw away tons of things.
6.) I will finish training the dog. We are training him as a therapy dog for our son and I think he is old enough now to finish his training. It will happen.
7.) I will laugh more. I will do this. The dog has me laughing right now trying to steal the bread my daughter has. LMAO.
8.) I will blog more.. I need an exscape. I need an outlet to release my anger. I will use blogging and excerise to do that.
9.) I will take more pictures. I love taking pictures and I will get a better camera and take awesome pics which I will post here.