Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Ok so new year new me, right? Well we shall see. I have made a few resolutions. I will not say New years but resolutions none the less. I am doing this daily not yearly crap. LOL

1.) I will have more patience. I need to because I am getting stressed over stupid stuff. I will do this.
2.) I will lose weight. Not sure how much but I will do.
3.) I will exercise more. I have the wii fit and I have also talked hubby into buying a treadmill. Shoot I have access to a gym and I will use it at least an hour a day.
4.) I will take my medicines. I need to really get on this one.
5.) I will keep up with my daily missions. I will declutter this stuff and throw away tons of things.
6.) I will finish training the dog. We are training him as a therapy dog for our son and I think he is old enough now to finish his training. It will happen.
7.) I will laugh more. I will do this. The dog has me laughing right now trying to steal the bread my daughter has. LMAO.
8.) I will blog more.. I need an exscape. I need an outlet to release my anger. I will use blogging and excerise to do that.
9.) I will take more pictures. I love taking pictures and I will get a better camera and take awesome pics which I will post here.

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