Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Oh my gosh. Things right now are a mess. I am just sooo tired. This stupid chemistry class.(which I did fail) had really gotten to me. I am drained.

Everyone is annoying me. I cant stand being around anyone right now. The kids are getting on my nerves. They are fighting consistantly. I cannot wait until they go back to school. I am getting tired of dealing with ben's outburst. These doctors need to give him some medicine or something becuase I dont know how much more I can deal with this. Of course I am going too but i dont know how much more my sanity can take. Today is especially bad. he just wont listen. He has been in time out more than not/ He is constantly hitting me. I have bruises on my arms becuase of him. There are times when I really dont even want to be around him.

I am depressed again. I know I am. I can feel it. Thats why i am always tired. I have to go back to my doctors but ive just been so busy and just forgetful. I hate being like this. I really could sleep all day long if i was able too. I just dont want to do anything. Its a struggle to get up and deal with the kids. I know things will get better once everyone goes back to school. Its just that my routine has been displaced. Just last week though i was manic and couldnt sleep at all. I managed to get maybe three hours of sleep a night if i was lucky,. That lasted about two weeks now I am on the other end of it. I will be trying to blog more as i feel like it becuase maybe i can keep a record of how i feel.

Well I'm going to try to go to bed.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Si I have decided to start my own blog. My life isn't glamorous but it's my life. I am 28 years old. I am the mother of two children. Ceceilia is 7 and Benjamin Jr. is 5. I am a part time equipment aide at the new Children's hospital. I live in pittsburgh, pa. I am married to a wonderful man of 5 years. He is my heart and soul.

I am bipolar. I have dealt with depression since age 12. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder about 5 years ago. Finally have a diagnosis has been great. I always felt like I was crazy but now I know that I am not, well somewhat, LOL.

I am currently in school. I am studying to hopefully be a nurse. I don't know about that since I have recently failed Chemistry. I had a horrible teacher and just didnt do well. I cannot seem to comprehend this subject. I am thinking about taking it again but not sure if i want to do it in the fall or spring. I was on student government last year and I am going to rerun for it this year. It was a great experience. I am also a member of the science club. I am also a work study for the biology department. I work as a lab assistant.

I deal with alot on a day to day basis. My son has ADHD and ODD, along with an allegery to eggs, asthma and eczema. My daughter has asthma and an allegery to mold, dust and mildew. It's been a struggle to deal with but i am dealing with it.