Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Oh my gosh. Things right now are a mess. I am just sooo tired. This stupid chemistry class.(which I did fail) had really gotten to me. I am drained.

Everyone is annoying me. I cant stand being around anyone right now. The kids are getting on my nerves. They are fighting consistantly. I cannot wait until they go back to school. I am getting tired of dealing with ben's outburst. These doctors need to give him some medicine or something becuase I dont know how much more I can deal with this. Of course I am going too but i dont know how much more my sanity can take. Today is especially bad. he just wont listen. He has been in time out more than not/ He is constantly hitting me. I have bruises on my arms becuase of him. There are times when I really dont even want to be around him.

I am depressed again. I know I am. I can feel it. Thats why i am always tired. I have to go back to my doctors but ive just been so busy and just forgetful. I hate being like this. I really could sleep all day long if i was able too. I just dont want to do anything. Its a struggle to get up and deal with the kids. I know things will get better once everyone goes back to school. Its just that my routine has been displaced. Just last week though i was manic and couldnt sleep at all. I managed to get maybe three hours of sleep a night if i was lucky,. That lasted about two weeks now I am on the other end of it. I will be trying to blog more as i feel like it becuase maybe i can keep a record of how i feel.

Well I'm going to try to go to bed.

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