Monday, August 31, 2009


Well we are all back into school. I started two weeks ago and my last class started today. OH i dont know what i was thinking this semster. We shall see how things will end up.. I took an aerobics class. So far so good. I am making it through, Yes I can do this.

The kids started school last week. Ceceilia is doing good so far but Ben is having some problems. We shall see how things go.

Im stressed out thoguh. I Have been having this really bad dizzy spells. The doctor thinks they are becuase of me being stressed. Who knows. I am trying to destress and some of that means getting things organized. I need to be organized. I am slowly getting things organized how i want them in the house. we shall see if i can keep up with it. well i am exhausted so its off to bed for me. Later

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